REGISTRATION FORM FOR A1 CALLBACK VERIFIER ========================================== Please fill out all the following information: Name ________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________ (Number, Street, Apt., P.O. Box, etc.) City, State, Zip._____________________________________________________ How did you hear about A1 CALLBACK VERIFIER? ________________________________________________________________________ Any suggestions for future updates? ( only serious suggestions, please ) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Please send the registered version of A1 : _____ on 3 1/2" diskette _____ on 5 1/4" diskette _____ upload to my BBS (if checked, fill out next section) There is an ADDITIONAL $4.00 charge to upload to your BBS! CR Software *MUST* be able to attach a file to a message to you in "General Mail" or "Comment to Sysop"! BBS Name: ______________________________________________________ BBS Phone Number _______________________________________________ Your handle (if different from your name, or "sysop") __________ ________________________________________________________________ Please submit $7.00 (or $11.00 if uploading to BBS) in U.S currency, either check or money order to: CR Software 591 Cypress Ave. San Jacinto, Ca. 92583 Thank you for your registration! We hope you will enjoy A1 CALL- BACK VERIFIER!